
Public Notice | Approval of PRIDCO Regulations

By the authority conferred by Reorganization Plan No. 4 of June 22, 1994, as amended, which created the Department of Economic Development and Commerce, which includes the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company and Law No. 188 of May 11, 1942, as amended, which in Article 8 paragraph k authorizes the Company to lease, transfer and dispose of any of its properties, as prescribed and in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 38 On June 30, 2017, as amended, known as the Uniform Administrative Procedure Act, the general public is notified of the intention to approve the following regulations:

• Reservation Regulations for Leasing of Real Property of theIndustrial Development Company, (MO-ODE-001) for the purpose of prospectively establishing the parameters that will govern the leasing reservation process of the Company's real estate properties or buildings to persons interested in establishing their operations in Puerto Rico, according to the social and economic interests of the Government of Puerto Rico and at the same time promote economic activity with the properties of the Company.

Any comment must be submitted in writing to the following address:Compañía de Fomento Industrial, P.O. Box 362350, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-2350, attention: Lcdo. Bryan O'Neill Alicea, General Counsel and Legislative Affairs, Office of Legal Counsel or via email You may also refer to Priscila Hernández Figueroa, Managerial Affairs Officer, via e-mail to the address:

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Accessibility PRITS-102423-PRDCO
According to 229 Law of 2003