Puerto Rico is the ideal location for businesses to launch new products and services. For decades, Puerto Rico has been the cradle and model of economic development in the region. Today, as part of the island's transformation efforts, the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company (PRIDCO) alongside the Department of Economic Development and Commerce (DDEC) are joining forces to strengthen the island through a business ecosystem of worldwide category.
Puerto Rico is an ideal investment destination where economic innovations, pioneering incentive programs, world-class bilingual human capital, and strategic global positioning converge with a better way of life.
Whether in life sciences, aerospace, export services, information technology, or manufacturing, Fortune 500 organizations have discovered the bottom-line benefits of doing business in Puerto Rico, while still enjoying all the comforts and security of doing business in the US. With a wide array of competitive advantages and one of the most competitive tax incentive programs in the world, Puerto Rico is a smart business move.
Puerto Rico enjoys a large pool of skilled and talented engineering workers, which make many major companies turn their heads and make multi-million dollar investments, such as Honeywell Aerospace, Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico, to name a few.
Aguadilla Airport has the longest runway in the Caribbean.
Rate of compliance with defense segment criteria of the aerospace sector.
Length, in feet, of Aguadilla Airport’s runway, the longest in the Caribbean.
Our island has the best recipe for success, relying on research capability and incentives. A fresh batch of farmers is solidifying the industry with new farm-to-table restaurants, artisan delights and adopting viable agricultural techniques. Puerto Rico continues to grow and evolve in the agriculture industry, thanks to a perfect combination of relentless farmers, competitive incentives and an emerging interest in hemp and medical cannabis.
Share of agbiz income that is exempt from income taxes.
People in food manufacturing workforce.
Total food manufacturing GDP.
A highly skilled, educated, bilingual workforce, and of course, attractive tax incentives are the main building blocks for a dynamic business environment in Puerto Rico. Today, there are 30 medical device companies operating on the island. Not only does Puerto Rico enjoy a strategic location, but also counts on government support, and a well-established infrastructure.
Bioscience manufacturing hub in the U.S.
Share of FDA Class III devide manufacturers in Puerto Rico.
Medical devices companies operating on the Island.
Music boosts creativity, and for many years Puerto Rican artists have shaped the landscape for modern music in various genres. Moreover, many creative professionals have helped the creative industries' economy flourish, especially in film, web, and software design.
Share of most-viewed music videos on YouTube in 2019, by Puerto Rican artists.
People that make up the creative industry workforce.
Movies were filmed on the island between 2016 and 2019.
Our island is the only U.S. jurisdiction offering international and banking organizations all the necessary property protections of the United States regarding intellectual, legal, and regulatory.
U.S. dollar.
Stable business environment.
Federal regulations and accreditations.
Puerto Rico enjoys the privilege of having bilingual professionals, who give us a worldwide reach. This advantage is a very useful tool and can help many businesses meet their growing demand for qualified bilingual professionals, whether working as technical consultants, back-off support, operators, or financial planners.
Engineering and technical services jobs in Puerto Rico.
Global business process outsourcing market in 2019.
Annual employee turnover at call centers in Puerto Rico (compared with 30% nationally).
Puerto Rico has all the bases covered when it comes to innovation and technology. It has over 600 entrepreneurial tech companies and generates over 22K direct jobs. Top companies like Blockchain, AI and the Internet of Things could flip the economy of the island in a radically positive way. Broad satellite connections and 5G broadband access, provide for clean communications with customers, suppliers, and business partners.
STEM graduates in 2019.
Entrepreneurial tech companies .
Direct jobs created.
Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company’s (PRIDCO) real estate activity complements the Puerto Rico Department of Economic Development and Commerce’s (DDEC) commercial offerings for investors, providing access to a large inventory of industrial properties at competitive rental rates, and assistance with planning and permitting matters. PRIDCO can also offer custom built properties for strategic projects primarily involving Fortune 500 companies.
In addition:
Initial and follow-up
and specifications Site visit
of estimates and evaluations
(administrative fee and mandatory documentation, among others)
(rental agreement or, in some strategic cases, through sale)
Accessibility PRITS-102423-PRDCO
According to 229 Law of 2003
Cualquier ciudadano puede informar sobre irregularidades en el uso de fondos públicos o que puedan representar el delito de fraude o actos de corrupción pública. Envié un correo electrónico a o presente su queja a través de También puede comunicarse con la línea confidencial de la Oficina del Inspector General (OIG) al 787-679-7979. El denunciante está protegido por ley contra represalias por presentar una queja.