
Expressions from the Executive Director Javier Bayón Torres in relation to the evictions of the PRIDCO buildings

During today's afternoon, several entities were processed some eviction orders that were already in progress. However, the evictions of all the properties of the Industrial Development Company (PRIDCO), are stopped internally. Motions to that effect will be filed in the corresponding courts, informing about said stoppage.

PRIDCO's trading desk is open. We reiterate our genuine commitment to all businessmen and we will continue working to develop the island's economy.

On the other hand, we confirm that, contrary to what has transpired in some media, PRIDCO has not responded to any request from a supposed businessman interested in establishing his operations in the facility occupied by the Industrial Cooperative Creation of the Mountain.

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Accessibility PRITS-102423-PRDCO
According to 229 Law of 2003